How to Get Over Your Live Video Nervousness

It’s a rare person who loves public speaking or appearing on video. If that’s you, you can stop reading right now.  But if you’re among the (much larger) crowd who suffers sweaty palms, racing heart, and uncontrolled butterflies—and you’re letting these get in the way of your video marketing dreams—then read on.  Here’s the thing: We all get nervous. Even those who love public speaking and appear so natural on video are often shaking on the inside. They’ve just found a way to deal with their fear and make it work for them.  Practice Makes Perfect The first time you do anything, you’re likely to be nervous—especially if it’s a public performance. The only way to lessen the fear is to do it. And do it again. And again. And again.  That means not only should you practice your webinar or speech ahead of time, but you should also take to the stage—whether virtual or real—as often as you possibly can. Don’t pass up any opportunity to appear on video, on podcasts, in a webinar or on the stage.  And if you need a place to practice in a judgment-free zone, consider joining a group such as Toastmasters, where you can work to reduce your nervousness in front of a live audience. No Pressure Sometimes, the worst judgment comes from our own head. Don’t let that voice lie to you, though. There really is no need to pressure yourself to perform, or to be perfect, and there’s certainly no need to berate yourself for all those small mistakes you make.  Instead, acknowledge that no one is perfect, that you’re doing your best, and that you’re improving with each and every event—because you almost certainly are! Be nice to yourself, and recognize that there really is no need for perfection.  Just Be Yourself Here’s the biggest hurdle we can face: trying to be someone we are not. We see professional news anchors, actors, and others who appear poised and polished on every video clip, and we think that’s how we have to appear. That’s simply not true. Your audience wants to get to know you better, not the person you think you should be. So be your fun-loving, mistake-making, self-forgiving self. It will resonate so much better with your audience that everything else will be easier as a result.  It’s a rare person who loves public speaking or appearing on video. If that’s you, you can stop reading right now.  But if you’re among the (much larger) crowd who suffers sweaty palms, racing heart, and uncontrolled butterflies—and you’re letting these get in the way of your video marketing dreams—then read on.  Here’s the thing: We all get nervous. Even those who love public speaking and appear so natural on video are often shaking on the inside. They’ve just found a way to deal with their fear and make it work for them.  Practice Makes Perfect The first time you do anything, you’re likely to be nervous—especially if it’s a public performance. The only way to lessen the fear is to do it. And do it again. And again. And again.  That means not only should you practice your webinar or speech ahead of time, but you should also take to the stage—whether virtual or real—as often as you possibly can. Don’t pass up any opportunity to appear on video, on podcasts, in a webinar or on the stage.  And if you need a place to practice in a judgment-free zone, consider joining a group such as Toastmasters, where you can work to reduce your nervousness in front of a live audience. No Pressure Sometimes, the worst judgment comes from our own head. Don’t let that voice lie to you, though. There really is no need to pressure yourself to perform, or to be perfect, and there’s certainly no need to berate yourself for all those small mistakes you make.  Instead, acknowledge that no one is perfect, that you’re doing your best, and that you’re improving with each and every event—because you almost certainly are! Be nice to yourself, and recognize that there really is no need for perfection.  Just Be Yourself Here’s the biggest hurdle we can face: trying to be someone we are not. We see professional news anchors, actors, and others who appear poised and polished on every video clip, and we think that’s how we have to appear. That’s simply not true. Your audience wants to get to know you better, not the person you think you should be. So be your fun-loving, mistake-making, self-forgiving self. It will resonate so much better with your audience that everything else will be easier as a result.  It’s a rare person who loves public speaking or appearing on video. If that’s you, you can stop reading right now.  But if you’re among the (much larger) crowd who suffers sweaty palms, racing heart, and uncontrolled butterflies—and you’re letting these get in the way of your video marketing dreams—then read on.  Here’s the thing: We all get nervous. Even those who love public speaking and appear so natural on video are often shaking on the inside. They’ve just found a way to deal with their fear and make it work for them.  Practice Makes Perfect The first time you do anything, you’re likely to be nervous—especially if it’s a public performance. The only way to lessen the fear is to do it. And do it again. And again. And again.  That means not only should you practice your webinar or speech ahead of time, but you should also take to the stage—whether virtual or real—as often as you possibly can. Don’t pass up any opportunity to appear on video, on podcasts, in a webinar or on the stage.  And if you need a place to practice in a judgment-free zone, consider joining a group such as Toastmasters, where you can work to reduce your nervousness in front of a live audience. No Pressure Sometimes, the worst judgment comes from our own head.

Being uncomfortable

Hello, everyone, I know it has been awhile since my last email, but I have been swamped trying to get settled. I am excited about this opportunity and this new chapter in my life. I have shared a few photos on my Instagram of my new office, which I love! See photos here, with new opportunities, new spaces and increases come with challenges. I am ready for it all! It is all part of the plan and process. #trusttheprocess Now, that I have moved into my new flat, and mostly everything is done except for the curtains, Lol.  Some people have asked if I have to pay for all of this? The answer is no. If you are on a contract, they will either provide the housing for you, or you can choose to take a stipend and find housing on your own. In the past, I have stayed in hotels, and housing they provided with everything set up. This time I wanted to try something new and experience the entire relocation process. I have to admit it was challenging and frustrating because it was uncomfortable. There were times I would question myself, why am I doing this? I had to refocus, remember my why and my assignment. I had to keep in mind that I have experienced being uncomfortable many of times and overcome it. That being uncomfortable was nothing more than another challenge that I had to face and take head-on. No way was I giving up now, I have come too far and sacrificed too much. I am also not a quitter!I have learned so much these past few weeks with moving here; I would not change any of it! I now can help others to relocate as well with less stress. Part of my assignment is to support and help position others; I guess I am on the right track. (Smile) Next stop, Abu Dhabi for the holiday weekend, much needed break. #positioned #thisismytruth Wendy Don’t miss my next launch Shipping releasing in October!  

I Have Arrived in Dubai

I Have Arrived in Dubai Wow! I honestly don’t know what else to say. It has truly has been one week!! I made it safely to Dubai, and I have been running non-stop to get things done. I will have to admit that it has been a few challenges along the way. When I arrived at the airport at 12 am, I went to pick up the rental car, and they said I couldn’t rent the vehicle. The reason was that I was now a resident of the UAE, which means that I can only rent with a UAE drivers license, which I didn’t have. I was too tired even to get upset and just walked away. The next day I went to get my license which also came with having to find an approved RTA ophthalmologist to give me an eye exam, which took three hours to find and fifteen minutes to get it done. Once the eye exam was done, I headed over to the RTA office to get my license, in which my taxi driver who works for RTA got lost. I arrived, I and was told that the system was down.  I said, “ No, I am going to need you all to try it, please.” She said, “ It’s down, and we had people try several times”. I said, “ Let’s just try it again now please.”She tried to process my application, and it worked! Nothing like the power of prayer! With my license in hand now I can rent a car until I look for one to lease this month. In Dubai, there are many expats, so car companies provide short-term monthly lease options, which are cheaper than renting.Now that I had the car situation taken care of I had to look for a place to stay, right now I am in a temporary hotel apartment. Looking for a flat wasn’t that bad only because I had been looking before I left to go home for the summer. I found a flat close by work and the mall in a gated family community. The community has an onsite grocery store with free home delivery, gas station, car wash, post office, and the list goes on.I am looking forward to getting settled and refocusing my time on my business. Next, I will start shopping for furniture, and my goal is to be moved in by September 12th. Please continue to keep me in your prayers, as I will for you. Thank you for all your support and let me know if you have any questions! Wendy Don’t miss out! Global Group Coaching Membership starts September 7, 2017!

How to Effectively Manage Your Time

How to Effectively Manage Your Time Today, I’m going to talk a little bit about how you can effectively manage your time for your business. No secret or single formula in managing time in your business.  You should comprehend that your business is exceptional and you are also unique! And because of that, I’ve listed a few tips below to serve as guidelines on how you can start managing your time more effectively based on your business model. Categorize Categorize your tasks into URGENT, IMPORTANT, NORMAL/REGULAR. Let your creativity flow. You can use a chart, a bulletin board, a whiteboard, a planner, or your computer. Simply ensure you can see those tasks.   Stick to the plan You may have a lot of emails, or your phone may start ringing the moment you begin your tasks for the day. Learn not to open those emails or answer your phone until you are done with your urgent and important tasks. Take a break Yes, taking a break is part of time management! This will give you time to answer your phone, rest your thoughts, and do what you want to do that is outside your main tasks for the day. I hope these tips will help you create a better and more productive schedule for your business. [/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_column][/mk_page_section]

Managing Time In Your Business

[mk_page_section full_width=”true” padding_top=”0″ padding_bottom=”0″ el_class=”abt-slide” sidebar=”sidebar-1″][vc_column][layerslider_vc id=”1″][/vc_column][/mk_page_section][mk_page_section bg_color=”#f7f7f7″ has_top_shape_divider=”true” top_shape_size=”small” top_shape_color=”#3c3d3d” has_bottom_shape_divider=”true” bottom_shape_size=”small” bottom_shape_color=”#3c3d3d” sidebar=”sidebar-1″][vc_column][mk_padding_divider size=”80″][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/3″][mk_image src=”” image_width=”325″ image_height=”325″ frame_style=”shadow_only” align=”center” animation=”left-to-right”][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”2/3″][vc_custom_heading text=”Managing Time In Your Business” font_container=”tag:h2|font_size:25px|text_align:center|color:%233c3d3d|line_height:35px” google_fonts=”font_family:Oswald%3A300%2Cregular%2C700|font_style:700%20bold%20regular%3A700%3Anormal”][mk_padding_divider size=”15″][vc_column_text] Hi, everyone! How have you all been? I am sending this email to rally every business owner – and those planning to start their businesses soon – to stay on top of your businesses! It doesn’t matter how small or how big your business is. It matters that you value every single second that goes by. Have you ever felt like there is not enough time to manage everything in your business? Well, it can be frustrating. Rushing to do things can feel suffocating, too! Managing time for your business is as crucial as breathing. Without time management, a business dies or gets stuck in a rut. Don’t let your business die! Don’t let it get stuck. I believe that you have the ability to succeed. Learn to embrace time management as part of your day to day routine. When you do, you’ll see a big difference in your results. I’d like to hear from you about how you manage time in your business. If you have questions in this area, I may be able to help, too! [/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_column][/mk_page_section]

How to Prepare for the Third Quarter

How to Prepare for the Third Quarter Okay, so we’re through with the first three months of year! How have you all been so far? As we enter the second quarter, this is a good time to evaluate your performances from the previous quarter and plan for the next. I’m going to help you plan your next quarter by offering you some tips on how you can prepare for it so you don’t cram when it comes. Let’s get started… Evaluate what had transpired in the first quarter. What were the good things you did? How effective were your methods? How productive have you been? Do you think you can do better? These questions will help you see what worked and what didn’t work in the previous quarter. Improve your methods for the second quarter and be more efficient than before. Start prioritizing your tasks. Before you prioritize, you’ll have to first come up with a list of things that you will be doing for the second quarter. Once you have your list, decide which of the tasks are urgent, important, and regular.If you have one big task, make sure to chunk it down to smaller tasks. This way, you’ll not see it as overwhelming but something worth accomplishing. Consider your funds. For this second quarter, try your best to NOT run out of funds, either for personal or business funding. That means your planning has to include budgeting as well. I hope this helps to prepare you to face this year’s second quarter!  

How Reading Can Educate You for Your Business

How Reading Can Educate You for Your Business How are you doing in your business? How do you maintain your knowledge and acquire new ones? If you haven’t started any habit yet, then I encourage you to start reading to educate yourself about your business. Never quit learning. From the minute we are conceived until the minute we can think on our own, we are continually gathering data, making judgments and shaping feelings because of our upbringing and experiences. That means the desire to grow and succeed using of learning is embedded into our humanity. Reading, aside from experience, is an excellent teacher. When managing a business, you need to learn to educate yourself. You can’t wait until you experience failure before you do something about it. Why? Doing business is no walk in the park. It is a journey which will, with no doubt, be loaded with sorrows and joy, with peaks and valleys, and with success and failures. If you want to decrease your chances of failing in your business, you must be perpetually ready to learn from others and to teach yourself. So, which books will you start reading to educate yourself?  

How to Stay Productive While Flying

I’m sure you’ve heard of the electronic ban restricting electronic devices being used or carried during flights from counties like Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, and Turkey. Most of us are used to having electronic devices, like our smartphones or laptops, when flying. Without electronic devices, the flight can be very boring and slow.   So, before your flight, here’s what I suggest you do so you don’t get bored or unproductive. Backup your files – Ibacked up my computer using Google Drive and Dropbox. This is actually a precaution, in case my laptop or iPadgets stolen or lost during the luggage transfers or handling. Have a backup device at home – Icontracted my homeowners and made sure my electronics are covered while I am traveling, and they did. Plan out your flight – I do this especially during a long flight. I write down what I would do so that I would make use of my time. It involves reading. I was able to read a book called “The Six Figure Women”, check this link: and I was so grateful I did! It was a great book. Have a pen and paper handy – You may want to create some plans for your business using pen and paper. I was able to create two workshops and one free webinar for my clients during the flight. Make sure you follow the rules – This is very important. I did witness someone’s electronic item confiscated during the security screening. So, make sure you follow the rules. It will protect you. I hope these practical suggestions will help you as they did help me.